GrandView Animal Care Center

2409 Union Rd
Cheektowaga, NY 14227


Welcome to GrandView Animal Care Center!

We are an established veterinary clinic in your neighborhood ready to service your pets’ needs!

We welcome the opportunity to be your “other” family doctor!

Call us at (716)608-6383 to book your examination.

Spring is just around the corner and with the warmer temperatures and longer days come some brand-new considerations that we need to make when it comes to the safety and happiness of our beloved animals. We have put together this list of valuable spring safety tips for conscientious pet parents.
Girl with puppy

Tips for First-Time Puppy Owners


As spring approaches, many families will be welcoming new pets into their homes, and Grandview Pet Hospital wants to help you prepare for this exciting responsibility. The ideal age to bring a puppy home is between 8 to 10 weeks, as they are safely weaned from their mother and ready to bond with their new family. Remember, vaccinations should begin at 8 weeks of age to protect your puppy from distemper, parvovirus, and other illnesses.

Dog Getting Wellness Exam

Stay Up To Date With Preventative Care


Parasites don’t go away because the temperatures drop. In fact, ticks can survive all year round meaning that consistent preventative care is essential if you are to keep your pet safe from their bites and the diseases that they carry. Fallen leaves present a perfect playground for pets and an ideal location for ticks to hide, so keep them up to date with their preventatives and check them thoroughly for ticks whenever they come inside.

Puppy and kitten

Protect Their Paws


Puppies and kittens are exceptionally curious and will play with anything they can get their paws on. Nicotine poisoning can occur if an animal consumes even a small amount of nicotine. With the rise in popularity of electronic cigarettes, it’s important to keep an eye on your dog to prevent them from chewing on these products. Additionally, cats may find cigarette butts to be an enticing new toy, so it's crucial to keep your pets away from all nicotine-related items.

Cat preparing for Microchip

Get Your Pet Microchipped


If you and your pet do become separated, perhaps as a result of them escaping or becoming lost when on a walk in the dark, you are more likely to be reunited with them if they are microchipped. Microchipping is the most effective method of attaching your information to your pet so that you can be contacted if they are found. Unlike collars and tags which can fall off or be removed, microchips are permanent and can’t be tampered with. If your pet isn’t chipped already, ask your vet about the procedure today. If they are chipped, make sure that your details are up to date.

Should indoor-only pets receive flea and tick preventatives?

While indoor-only pets have a lower risk of encountering fleas and ticks compared to pets that spend time outdoors, it is still possible for them to be exposed to these pests. Therefore, it is generally recommended to provide indoor pets with flea and tick preventatives. Indoor cats can become infected  with fleas by potting soil from indoor plants, other pets (like dogs) that go in and out, and your shoes/clothing from walking.

Remember – the best defense against fleas, ticks and the illnesses they bring is prevention. Make sure your pet remains on preventatives year-round.

To our GrandView Family… PLEASE READ

Effective at your next visit with us, we will NO LONGER be allowing your pet into our facility on a retractable leash. There are many dangers to having your dog on a retractable leash in general, as well as issues with pets on leash within a confined area such as our lobby.

  • Dogs on retractable leashes are not under control
  • The cord itself can be a hazard to you, other people OR other people’s pets.
  • The locks on retractable leashes ALMOST ALWAYS fail.

Our goal…as always… is to keep you and your pet’s safe while you visit us. If you do not own a traditional leash, please make our staff aware prior to entering the building with your pet and a slip-lead will be provided for you to borrow.

We ALL look forward to seeing you and continue to keep you and your pet’s best interest in mind.

Thank You From your Grandview Family!

Dog and Cat together


Puppy and kitten

Seasonal Safety

Cat and Pink Flower


Rabbit, Dog and Cat together under tree

Pet Library